Daily Performance  Red Line 
Monday 05/18/15
Passenger Wait Time2Passenger Travel Time2
< Headway < Big Gap1 < 2X Headway < 3 minute delay < 6 minute delay
Red bar is today
Headway Performance (measured at Park Street) Avg. Headway3
Diff. from Published
Early AM AM Peak Midday PM Peak Eve. Night
Running Time Performance by Segment
Pink highlighted times are delayed > 3 minutes. Red highlighted times are delayed > 6 minutes.
1. The standard for a big gap is either 1.5 times or 3 minutes greater than the scheduled headway, whichever is lower.
2. Passenger travel and wait time are based on average passenger demand rates per period. I.e. 18000 people entering a station during the peak is a demand rate of 6000/hr or 100/min, which are further divided by destination. The rate is multiplied by the headway of a train to get the number of people boarding that train and by its travel time to get passenger travel time. It does not account for people not being able to board a train due to crowding.
3. Weighted average headway accounts for the fact that fewer people end up experiencing a short headway than a long headway, since fewer passengers arrive between trains.
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